Revoc4Life – Collecting datas

REVOC4LIFE Cloud Platform Management In the modern industrial sector, particularly in the tanning industry, understanding and managing the data that characterize production processes (including all best disposal practices) is a key element for optimizing production processes and complying with environmental regulations. The cloud platform developed by Compolab (a partner of the Revoc4Life Project) enables real-time …

What Sustainability Means to IRIS

For IRIS, sustainability is not a secondary goal but the very foundation of a concrete corporate philosophy that guides all company ‘s operations and innovations. IRIS’s mission is to reconcile the demands of environmental sustainability with the need to remain competitive in the market, transforming environmental costs into business opportunities. Founded in 2012, IRIS is …

Sustainability for DICI – University of Pisa

The Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering (DICI) was founded in 2012 as a result of the reform of the Italian university system. It is a merger of the previous departments of aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, industrial chemistry and materials science, mechanical engineering, nuclear and production engineering, and part of the civil engineering department. Recognizing …

Sustainability for Aquarno

Sustainability for Aquarno.. The 2030 Agenda, signed on the 25th of September, 2015 by the governments of 193 member Countries of the United Nations, defines sustainable development through 17 goals, objectives to be achieved and 5 areas of intervention. I In the 17 goals, there are some of particular interest for Aquarno: clean water and …

The “Sustainability” According to Compolab

Compolab Headquarter   At Compolab, we are steadfastly committed to innovation and engineering excellence with a clear objective: to provide businesses with essential and integrated support for applied research and industrialization. Guided by creativity and passion, we surpass the expectations of our clients, contributing to the development of forward-thinking solutions for the future. Sustainability in …

Consorzio Aquarno Event

The press conference, held last Thursday, October 12, 2023, was an opportunity for the partners to present the results obtained, giving voice to the researchers directly involved in the ReVOC4LIFE project. The ReVOC4LIFE project is now about halfway through its journey: the VOC-TAN prototype placed in BCN Concerie SpA, in Santa Croce sull’Arno, has shown …

“Event @Aquarno Consortium SpA”

We are delighted to extend a warm invitation to you for the following event: Thursday, October 12, 2023 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM It is the presentation of the   “ReVoc4LIFE Project – LIFE20 ENV/IT/000688” Recovery of VOCs by reversible adsorption on sintered granulate from sewage sludge treatment which will be held at AQUARNO Consortium …

Wastes become resources – Bioeconomy Day 2023

At the workshop The Bioeconomy Day 2023 organized by the University of Pisa, Professor Maurizia Seggiani presented the ReVOC4LIFE project to the community with a talk entitled “Bioeconomy projects: when wastes become resources”. Prof. Seggiani explained that the project ReVOC4LIFE proposed industrial wastes as sorbents to develop more sustainable and efficient abatement systems for the …

Meeting at the Cattaneo Institute

  Dr. Pacchi of BCN Concerie, Eng. Cappello of the University of Pisa and Eng. Bernardi of Consorzio Aquarno introduced the topic of “sustainable research” to senior students of the Cattaneo Institute in San Miniato. At the institute, the speakers talked about the issues related to environmental impacts attributable to VOCs, how they are regulated …