
“Sustainability,” from the Latin “sustinere,” meaning “to hold from underneath,” to support something that needs support, outside help. In environmental sciences and in today’s common parlance, the term sustainability refers to the ability to maintain a balance between human activities and the natural environment, ensuring the study and use of new resources to date considered …

Revoc4life and air quality in the Covid 19 era

BCN Concerie, with the Consorzio Aquarno, is within a well-established circularity system: the District of Santa Croce sull’Arno. All the environmental impacts of the tannery are already mitigated through consolidated activities within the district system, except for VOC emissions into the atmosphere which are, however, subject to monitoring by the Tuscany Region. The VOC emissions …

Lineapelle Fair – September 2022

  ReVOC4LIFE, the research project founded by EU which aim to reduce the environmental impact within Life Programme, was on stage at the exhibition Lineapelle 100 edition with the dissemination material inside the stand of BCN Concerie, one of the project partners, and with the talk “REVOC4LIFE, we clean the air with waste”.  Lineapelle is …

Use of industrial waste and agri-food waste in a circular economy perspective

by Maurizia Seggiani and Patrizia Cinelli –  Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering These are some research and development projects that have the implementation of processes as objectives at different scales innovative treatment and abatement of volatile organic solvents (VOCs) from emissions of leather painting booths, increasing removal efficiencies compared to those achieved with traditional …

Several stages of KEU

KEU is a special non-hazardous waste deriving from waste water treatment plants (CER 190112). As stated by ARPAT (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Tuscany), it is material deriving from the heat treatment of the sewage sludge produced by the Aquarno purifier, into which the wastewater from the tanning companies of Santa Croce sull’Arno is …

What’s KEU?

The keu is a production residue deriving from the treatment of the sludge produced by the scraps of the leather tanning; it is characterized as a sintered granulate. Based on the Consolidated Law on environmental and the related ministerial regulation, followed by a specific explanatory circular, it can be classified as a by-product, that is …

Revoc4Life – Introduction

The tannery is an industry based on an objectively ancient process, which developed following the scientific and industrial revolutions, especially Western ones. The names of the departments are the traditional ones of the house-tannery, precisely to maintain continuity with the historical value of this profession. However, technology has borne fruit in production plants and in …

Revoc4Life – deep analysis

BCN Tanneries actively participates in the ReVoc4LIFE research project for the construction of a pilot plant to be included in the company, which will allow it to reach a new milestone in reducing environmental impacts for a green economy. BCN’s intent is not only to reduce VOC and PM10 emissions into the atmosphere, but also …