SIME srl |
SIME srl is a private Medium Enterprise, privately owned, headquartered in Rosignano Solvay, Livorno, Italy.
Sime acts since 1989 as engineering service provider and plant construction main contractor. Operating through its sites in Italy (Livorno, Milano, Firenze, Venezia) and abroad (Paris, Bucharest, Abu Dhabi), it is active in several industries, such as Oil & Gas, Biofuels, Bioplastics and Waste and Water treatments plants.
Sime can leverage more than 30 years experience in engineering and construction of gas a liquid treatments, and a workforce of over 200 people at payroll, two workshops and all capabilities to design (from feasibility to detail) and manufacture turn key solutions for the market.
In the project, SIME will provide all needed activities to complete the detail design of the full-scale pilot plant. Moreover, Sime in its own workshops will be in charge of the manufacturing, fabrication and assembling activities of the system, and eventually pf the installation on site and of the commissioning of the complete turn-key. SIME will co-finance the project with its own financial cash flow using a part of the company EBITDA which is usually invested by the company in R&D projects.
Consorzio Aquarno SPA |
Consorzio Aquarno SpA was established in 1983 for the purpose of solving the wastewater problem withinthe Tuscan Leather District.
The Consorzio Aquarno show off one of the highest purification capacities in Europe (approx. 2,050,000 PE). Over the last 30 years, Aquarno has experienced a continuous evolution both structural and technological, with the aim of reducing environmental impacts, guaranteeing high efficiency water depuration, and sustainable management of the various waste flows that originates from the treatment process and from the chromium recovery system that the Consortium has recently acquired; thanks also to its particular attention to experimentation of innovative technologies. Numerous extensions and plant upgrades have been made over the last 25 years and it has many participations (also as leader) in research projects (10) on their own or in collaboration with various universities or private institutes of primary importance.
Consorzio Aquarno has developed and implemented cutting-edge technologies for the treatment of urban waste water and for the treatment and reuse of sludge, acquiring considerable experience:
- In the purification of waste water
- In the creation of technologically advanced systems for limiting the environmental impact;
- In the design of a treatment chain for the recovery and reuse of civil wastewater in industrial processes;
- In the organization of research at industrial level on the different possible reuses of the sintered granulate
deriving from the sewage sludge in mixtures linked with cement and inert material for the production of
mixed cemented for road foundations, in the construction of concrete products, for the constitution of the
bituminous binder of road surfaces, in the composition of the cements, in the metallurgy, in the mortar for
the production of refractory cements.
In the project Aquarno will take care of developing the circular use of KEU through the development of a
new treatment plant.
BCN concerie spa |
B.C.N. Tanneries S.p.A. specializes in chrome tanning of skins of calves and baby calves, excelling especially with the latter in the production of articles for footwear industry, hand-bags and small leather goods. The products finished, smooth, soft, high polished, embossed, patterned, and created by our designers always on top of the latest trends, have enabled the company to achieve a range of quality of excellence and then to provide them to the most important Italian and foreign fashion houses. The company carries out the whole tanning production process, starting from raw hide, derived from the top production areas in the world, to finished article, using modern machinery and equipping a laboratory for quality control on their accomplishments. BCN has two collections per year and a continuous updating.
BCN is a tannery with a production capacity of 70.000 m2 leather/month, employing 60 persons. BCN will host and operate the pilot plant. BCN will carry out laboratory analysis of finishing recipes to validate the use of recycled solvents.
Compolab Srl |
COMPOLAB was established in Livorno at the end of 2010. It was originally established as a service company for technical design and design and for calculation and simulation activities. Over the years it has evolved, enriching its internal “supply chain” by starting significant activities in prototype production and process and product optimization.
To date, the company has a staff of over thirty engineers, and is able to travel the customer from the feasibility study of the “idea” to the executive design and industrialization of the “product”, guaranteeing the internal domination of all the various phases. In fact, it operates in the design, modeling and simulation of structural and fluid dynamics, in hydraulic, electrical, electronic design, in the design and development of software (fullstack, embedded, PLC, PC oriented) , IoT Cloud solutions, Industrial IoT devices.
It carries out the specific design and internally manufactures both polymer and metal additive printing components.
In the period 2011-2014 it was the manager of Polo 12 – Regional Innovation Hub for Automotive Mechanics and Railway Transport, as part of the Regional Program of the Tuscany Region for the Establishment of Regional Innovation Centers.
Since 2019 he has been an affiliate member of the Competence Center “ARTES 4.0 – Advanced Robotics and enabling digital TEchnologies & Systems 4.0” one of the 7 Competence Centers established at national level with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development.
Compolab has a significant and varied experience of participation in private research and development projects and, as both partner and supplier, in multiple projects co-financed by the Tuscany Region, MISE and the European Union .
COMPOLAB will support SIME in the plant industrialization design and development, BCN in the plant optimization and fine tuning developing also tailored software solutions, Aquarno in the KEU plant design and industrialization.
IRIS s.r.l. |
IRIS is located in Italy, in the industrial area of Torino, founded in 2012, is a SME specialized in developing and integrating efficient solutions for energy, water and waste management focusing on small scale applications such as those of rural areas or small communities. IRIS employs 15 engineers and scientists with a strong and multidisciplinary background in industrial laser, plasma technology, materials, prototyping, energy, waste and water management IRIS business model has been based, since company foundation, on the development and qualification of new processes/equipment solution for both plasma and laser processing technologies. Adopting this business model today IRIS has an annual turnover of one million euros generated by the development of special laser/plasma plants for public and private customers.
Concerning environmental applications of plasma technology, the company is applicant and owner of three patents.
Since 2016 IRIS managers have decided to shift towards a new business model based on exploiting proprietary technologies and developing innovative products to be proposed and serially sold to the market. Despite the small size, the company holds a good track record of project coordination at regional, national and European level. Among others IRIS is lead partner and coordinator of a big H2020 collaborative project with more than 20 partners and 10 million Euro public funding.”
In the project will take care of adapting ReVOC4LIFE technical solutions to other sectors.
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale, University of Pisa
The University of Pisa (UNIPI), founded in 1343, is one of the most ancient and prestigious universities in Europe. The core research group, involved in this project, belongs to the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering and consists of academic staff (2 full professors, 3 associate professors and 2 researchers), 3 technicians and several graduate students. The Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering was born in 2012 following a revision of Italian University System, merging previous departments of Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry and Materials Science, Mechanical, Nuclear and Production Engineering, and a part of the Department of Civil Engineering. The Department was/is involved in a large number of EU-funded projects. The key activities of the involved academic staff, relating to the area of the project, are focused mainly on industrial chemical processes with particular reference to the recovery/valorisation of industrial by-products/wastes, treatment of polluting gaseous /liquid effluents, innovative processes in tanning industry with lower environmental impacts and environmental sustainability analysis by LCA (Life Cycle assessment) methodology. Many of the activities concerning the leather sector have been/are conducted in collaboration with tanning companies and the Technological Tanning Pole (Po.Te.Co.) of the Tuscan Tannery District of Santa Croce sull’Arno (Pisa, Italy), one of the most important high-quality leather manufacturing area in Italy.
In the project, UNIPI will provide support in process analysis, pilot plant management, LCA and chemicalphysical analysis of the investigated VOC removal process and sorbents, supporting the fine tuning of the new plant.